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Introducere » Cutie porbagaj AUTO - THULE Excellence XT6119


Cutie porbagaj AUTO - THULE Excellence XT6119


Numar produs: TH6119
Producator: THULE
Preţ fără TVA : 7 558,82 lei
Preţ cu TVA (19 %):
8 995,00 lei

în coş:

Specificaţie completă

Thule Excellence XT 6119B

The world's most exclusive roof box

  • Exclusive design with a unique 2-tone colour combination and advanced aerodynamics with diffuser technology to optimize air flow around box.
  • Automatic load fixation: by just closing the box lid, the load will be fixated and secured automatically with the new integrated loading net and crash nose.
  • Pre-installed Power-Click quick-mount system with integrated torque indicator for fast and secure fitting using one hand only.
  • Dual-Side opening with outside lid handles for convenient mounting, loading and unloading.

Technical specifications

Volume (l) 470 l
Length (cm) 218 cm
Width (cm) 94 cm
Height (cm) 40 cm
Load capacity (kg) 75 kg
Weight (kg) 28 kg
Mounting system Power-Click
Box opening Dual-Side
Foldable for easy storage
Central lock
Load capacity Skis 6-8
Load capacity Snowboards 4-6
Max length of skis (cm) 200
Colour Black Glossy/Titan Metallic
Ski carrier Adapter Required
Fits WingBar
Fits SlideBar Adapter Required
Fits AeroBar
Fits SquareBar
TÜV/GS approved
Fulfils City Crash norm
SKU No 6119B


Thule's unique, patented quick-mount system for fitting a roofbox in seconds - safely and easily. Equipped with a torque indicator for the securest possible fixation. Grip claws are tightened around the load bar as four knobs inside the box are turned. The complete fitting is done in a matter of minutes. The grip claws are self-centering over the load bar as they are closed, for maximum security and ease of use. Fitting load bars up to 80 mm width.

A patented Thule feature, enabling the box to be opened from both sides of the roof. This does not only mean easy loading and access to the load, but also greatly facilitates mounting of the roofbox.

Each roofbox has several locking points, for safety and theft protection. The central locking feature means that the key can only be removed if all locking points are securely closed.

Longitudinal air channels and a spoiler on the box base minimize air resistance, wind noise and vibrations. A technology inspired by formula one cars.

A patented spring system that makes it easier to open and close the lid of the box in a smooth motion.



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